Cloud Marketing Services: Work Smarter;Streamline Workflow;Reduce Costs

Associates International, Inc.

Cloud Marketing Services

Ai’s Cloud Marketing Services Cl harness the power of Online Storefronts Os, Social Media Sm, Email Marketing Em, Microsites Ms, and QR and Mobile Barcoding Qr to integrate and execute your trickle marketing campaigns. Coupled with SEO and SEM Se capabilities, Ai can help your business or organization have meaningful customer interactions in an omni-channel environment.

Cloud marketing is a perfect complement to printing and direct mail, and a key revenue driver in today’s B2C and B2B marketplaces.

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Orders placed and shipped in as little as 24 hours
Pre-approved formats, templates and customization
Easy and secure access for your field representatives
Maintain brand consistency across all departments and locations


Real-time user workflow metrics and reporting available
Seamlessly integrate online storefronts with inventory management and ordering processes
Real-time inventory views with reorder thresholds and notifications

Associates International / Table of Elements

Ak Assembly and Kitting
Br Branding
Cy Copywriting and Proofreading
Da Dedicated Onsite Account Teams
Do Digital and Offset
Em Email Marketing

Ff Fulfillment
Gd Graphic Design
Im Inventory Management
Lb Leveraged Buying and Savings
Ma Marketing Automation
Ms Microsites

Os Online Storefronts
Pi Promotional Items
Qr QR and Mobile Barcoding
Rm Reporting and Metrics
Se SEO and SEM
Si Shipping and Logistics Management

Sm Social Media
So Sourcing
Sp Specialty Packaging
Wd Web Design

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