Your brand is unique, and your product packaging should reflect that uniqueness. It’s too simple to say that attractively branded packaging is the right option—of course you want it to look great. But you also want your product housed in the best packaging for its size, shape, structure, components, and shelf life. And not all packaging is created equal.

If you have your branding nailed down, you need to next consider the different types of folding cartons and packaging and when to use them. Determining proper packaging (in addition to creating excellent branding) is a huge decision, and there are several factors to consider when pinpointing which type of packing is best for your product and multichannel marketing strategy

When weighing your options, keep these considerations in mind, and watch your product marketing efforts pay off. 

What Does Your Packaging Say About Your Brand?

No matter how attractive your branding, if your packaging doesn’t live up to your organization’s values, your customers can tell. In short, if your packaging doesn’t protect or elevate your product, you can rest assured that your customers—existing and potential alike—won’t trust your brand.

Think About Your Customers

Regardless of your product, carefully consider how its packaging will come off to customers. From the onset at the manufacturer, you need to think about how built-by-hand or mass-produced products can stand up to shipping’s rigors, especially if you ship far and wide. 

Clearly understand how many packages you need per shipment and whether or not your distributor or retailer can handle that volume—or if they’ll need more before you can place another order for your packaging. 

Once they’re in your retailer’s hands, think about what your packaging will look like on their shelves. Will the packaging align with what’s inside? That’s a huge question, and you need to have a thoughtful answer before you order hundreds or thousands (or more) units. 

Ultimately, like every other aspect of your marketing strategy, carefully consider your budget. It’s wise to invest in high-quality packaging, but it shouldn’t break the bank. Explore many options for packaging, and find a balance between cost and quality. 

Let’s get into the specific questions you need to ask yourself, your team, and your packaging supplier.

3 Questions to Ask About Your Packaging

There are seemingly countless questions to answer before choosing the right packaging solutions. Start with these three.  

1. Does Your Packaging Match Your Product? 

If you want to stand out from others in your space, you need to have branding that elevates your organization and your product. Remember: the product determines the packaging, not the other way around; no one designs a product to shoehorn it into even the coolest packaging. 

  • Does your packaging need a window?
  • Does the box need room for a long ingredient list?
  • Is there room for your legal disclaimer?
  • Do you want foil stamping or embossed lettering or other specific materials?

2. Are You Ready for Retail?

If your product will sit beside others in stores, you need to seriously consider its shelf life—and this doesn’t just apply to food products. If your detailed packaging can’t withstand days, weeks, or months on the shelf, you need to rethink your packaging. 

Embossed or specialized packaging may look great, but it’s not always ideal for withstanding careless customers’ hands for days at a time. By the time someone’s ready to purchase, the box might look so rough that they buy a competitor’s product. Conversely, if you choose uninspired packaging, you probably won’t have to worry about too many hands touching it anyway. 

Like other considerations for your packaging, you need to think through your product’s packaging journey. If you can identify speed bumps before you encounter them, you can avoid them.

3. Have You Spoken to a Manufacturer? 

Even if you have what you might consider a straightforward package in mind, it may not be so simple from a manufacturer’s point of view. They’ll likely want to know if you want to use an RTE (reverse tuck end) or an STE (straight tuck end) box. Both have pros and cons, but you’ll need to spend some time researching different types of folding packages so you can clearly describe your vision to the manufacturer. And, just as importantly, understand what they’re saying if they have suggestions or push back on your vision.

Simplify Your Packaging Decision with Associates International

We know it’s never easy to dial in every aspect of your packaging decision, especially if this is your first go of it. Choosing the packaging for an incredible product is a huge decision, and we can help you determine the right solution for your needs.

Ready to give your product the proper packaging to meet your goals? Reach out to Associates International today to get your product in front of your current and future customers. 

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