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Tag: Mailing


Comparing The Three Most Common Mailings for Student Prospecting

This post is focused on comparing performance and discussing best practices for common mailers utilized by education facilities for prospecting as well as general communications.


Direct Mail: The Underrated Titan of Marketing in the Digital Age

Amidst the ever-growing popularity of digital channels, a perhaps unexpected contender has re-emerged as a formidable force: direct mail.


4 Ways to Elevate Your Fundraising Appeals

If you’re seeking to find ways to truly make an impression on your audience for your next fundraising appeal, you need to try something different.


Marketing Under One Roof—And Why That Matters

There are many benefits to choosing a marketing partner with the capabilities to handle all of your needs. Our latest blog post explains why.


8 Must-Have Stats to Measure Your Direct Mail Campaigns

As with any marketing campaign, tracking your direct mail project is an important step in the process. But what metrics should you be measuring to determine success? Our latest post shows you what you need to be tracking.


How to Plan Perfect Promotional Postcards for Prospective Students

With an audience used to attention-grabbing pieces, direct mail still plays a useful role in recruiting prospective students. Discover some items you should consider when planning your next recruiting pitch.


August USPS Rate Increase: What It Means For Your Business

Effective August 29, 2021, the United States Postal Service has increased postage rates for what it calls its “market-dominant” products. These products include First Class Mail for letters, postcards, and flats.


2021 Ai Mailing Guide – Annual Rate Changes

On January 24, the United States Postal Service’s new mailing rates went into effect. As a commercial printing and direct mail services provider, we know how postage rates and specifications can impact marketing programs so we’ve updated our annual mailing guide to help you navigate the changes. The 2021 Commercial and Nonprofit Mailing Guide includes new rates, mailing specifications and

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2020 Ai Mailing Guide – Now featuring USPS Informed Delivery

On January 26, the United States Postal Service’s new mailing rates went into effect. As a commercial printing and direct mail services provider, we know how postage rates and specifications can impact marketing programs so we’ve updated our annual mailing guide to help you navigate the changes. The 2020 Commercial and Nonprofit Mailing Guide includes new rates, mailing specifications and details

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The only constant is change: USPS rates set to increase January 27, 2019

On January 27, the United States Postal Service’s mailing rates are changing. As a commercial printing and direct mail services provider, we know how postage rates and specifications can impact marketing programs. What’s Changing While several First Class rates are increasing, some are staying the same as 2018, such as single piece postcards and flats. Presort and automated rates are

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