

When your creative team doesn’t have time to be creative, consider alternatives

If you’re a creative, art or marketing director, you’ve likely experienced at least one (or all) of these scenarios when managing priorities for your creative services team: A large corporate rebrand is looming, but your team is spending too much time managing current projects – they don’t have time to go back and rebrand your vast library of materials Your

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Use direct mail to maximize your digital marketing and elevate nonprofit fundraising campaigns

Nonprofit marketers know that capturing potential donors’ attention is paramount to fundraising success. While digital marketing and automation has opened new opportunities to reach audiences, breaking through the clutter without breaking the bank is increasingly difficult. With the right approach, incorporating direct mail fundraising can help nonprofits economically achieve their goals with measureable results. Maximizing the return on investment (ROI)

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Stop being so hands-on when rolling out your pharmaceutical marketing strategies

Yes, you read that correctly. The pharmaceutical space is extremely competitive and, coupled with ever-expanding communication channels, pharmaceutical marketing leaders are left with little room for error. They simply don’t have enough time to do what they do best – increase brand awareness and drive revenue. Letting go of the day-to-day tasks behind pharmaceutical marketing programs isn’t easy, but following

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What do vinyl records, books and direct mail have in common?

Answer:  As technology has advanced in recent decades, all three (especially direct mail) were left for dead by some experts. We now know, however, that those experts were wrong. The reality is that many people value items they can touch and feel. They want something tangible or nostalgic, like a record, or to simply enjoy leafing through the pages of

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